Ulster University’s Studiosity Service, same-day feedback

Zara for ethical writing feedback, you must upload your draft to Ulster’s Studiosity service. Most students get feedback twice per assignment, while writing their drafts.

With Ulster’s Studiosity service, get same-day feedback on your draft or chat live for instant feedback on writing, maths, sciences and study skills.

Access Studiosity >>

Ulster’s University’s Student Connect

Ulster's Studiosity service ensures all first years can connect with a final year student Mentor - making the recognised benefits of peer connection - belonging and academic success - universal, timely, and routine.

First year students need to access your Ulster University’s Studiosity service at the start of the Academic Year

Once in your account:
Send an instant message to your own Ulster University Student Mentor, to say hi, and to get set up for faster, smarter, easier guidance and study feedback.
Your Mentor will reach out (watch for alerts), to check in and see how you are going.
The trusted way to ask another student any questions about your own university experience.

Here’s what Ulster University students are asking their mentor:

“This has to be a report structure, can you see if this reads ok?”
“How can I best organise my time this semester?”
“Can I get some help making a plan for my upcoming assignment?”
“What resources did you find most useful in your first year?”
Access Student Connect